The abstract should be formulated under the following headings:
Abstract Title :
(less than 15 words)
Aim or purpose :
In one brief sentence, provide the rational for the investigation and/or the question
to be answered.
Materials and methods :
The experimental conditions should be reported briefly (i.e. age group, nature of
the animals, sex, and approval from the Ethics Committee at the presenter’s institution).
The clinical approach should be precise, and the period of time studied taken into
account in the interpretation. The methods used should also be clearly indicated
(i.e. image analysis, biochemical data, histological, immune histological or molecular
probes used for the analysis of the data, statistical significance).
Results :
The results should be stated in a maximum of three sentences.
Conclusions :
This is any conclusion(s) that can be drawn from the presentation. This final statement
is crucial because it supports the scientific value of the abstract.
Case study can be written under the heading :
Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Conclusion